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vigorous growth中文是什么意思

用"vigorous growth"造句"vigorous growth"怎么读"vigorous growth" in a sentence


  • 快速增长
  • 旺盛生长


  • An influence of reference to mozi written by sun yi - rang on the renaissance of mohism and its vigorous growth
  • On the merchantilism thought and the vigorous growth of economic nationalist consciousness in the late period of qing dynasty
  • There exists a special group of plants in nine songs from elegies of chu , whose vigorous growth symbolizes their vitality
  • Bush said the economy needs a boost now to lift it on to a more vigorous growth path and urged quick action
  • It said japan ' s economy had “ fully recovered ” , but warned that in spite of vigorous growth , deflation was only waning gradually
    它表示,日本经济已经“完全复苏” ,但同时警告称,尽管增长强劲,但通缩状况只是在逐渐缓解。
  • However , in the process of vigorous growth of close - end funds , it has appeared a kind of phenomenon calling for serious consideration
  • Patience ! patience ! patience . it takes me four years or may be longer from sowing seeds to seeing grafted maples showing signs of vigorous growth
  • The main characteristics and the affecting factors of algae bloom of municipal water supply in tianjin were analyzed . it was found that algal vigorous growth occurred from june to september in recent years
  • Some of its trees are over a hundred years old yet still show vigorous growth . the two tallest cypresses are the shuangwen cypresses . it is said they were planted by zhuge liang to watch over the tomb of emperor liu bei
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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